Well, its been far too long since any of us took any care of this site, and I was sitting
here the other day thinking about how sad it was that the rest of the world is going right by Dead Juggalos because we haven't
done anything with it for a while. I am going to try to change that. If any of you have any suggestions on how
to make the site better e-mail them to me at or send me a message on myspace. We are also looking for some fresh juggalo stories and some juggalo artwork, so if
yall got 'em stop holding out, whatever I get I will post. Also, Spek One has been hella busy writing and recording
music, check him out on myspace. Another thing, we all try to help out eachother out considering we are family and everything,
so if your an artist and want to try to get your music out there I am more than happy to put your name and a link to your
music on one of our pages so people can get to you. Well, I guess thats it for the moment, remember dont be holding
out on me, shoot me whatever you got!
Koleosis The Diseased
Attention Juggalos
Juggalos United
yo spread the clown love man
has recently come to our attention here at Juggalo Custom Artwork that Violent J feels the same way we do about the Fam; Love
every member of the Family. Well, Now Mr. Bruce himself has posted a Juggalo-WorldWide bulletin that he wants ALL the Juggalos
to read. Here it is, as I received it: TO MY FAMILY Body: Tragedy and now words from Violent J himself Message From Violent
J written by Violent J, this shit is soo true we need to love this family more. -JUGGALOZ- Sorry to be all deep and serious
but i got lots of shit on my mind. I'm tired of everything and everybody. The only thing i give a shit about in this hell
we call a world is my Juggalo Family. The Carnival saved my life and my soul. My Juggalo Pride is the best thing that ever
happened to me. It's starting to scare me for the fact when I sit back and actually observe the juggalo world, It seems like
its going down hill. It seems to me that a lot of ninjas are out for self and trying to prove whos a bigger juggalo that who.
There is no big or small juggalo. We are all the same. It doesn't take $4,000 is psychopathic merchandise to be a juggalo.
Just because I got an old school mostastless jersey doesn't make me any better than a ninja with only one t-shirt. Being a
juggalo is whats in your heart not whats on you clothes. I've seen juggalos callin each other juggahoes over spots in line
at shows. That's BULLSHIT! Does anyone else realize this? Does anyone else feel the pain I do when my heart bleeds as I watch
my family fall apart? We are all equal. Juggalos shoud not fight with one another! Remember? We are suppose to love each other!
We need to be reunited as one once again. Just as we were before. "From the first jokers card, Carnival of Carnage, to the
latest card. The Wraith: Shangri-La, we have been united as one by the powers of the Dark Carnival, the power that brings
us together and makes us who we are, never again must you care what people think of you or what you do, this is our world
and we live for each other!" If you own a copy of Dark Lotus, as soon as you get a chance, I want you to sit down and listen
to ..15 enititled, "Juggalo Family." When the song is over, think about what it means and think about how it makes you feel.
If yall want to laugh than go ahead but personally, When i sang the song i really didnt listen to the words but when I heard
that song for the first time, I was at The Gathering of The Juggalos 2001 and when I listened to the words and took a look
around at all the juggalos face, tears slowly came from my eyes and I thought to myself, "this is my family." It felt so good
to know that the only thing I care about is right here with me. My juggalo family is the only thing true in my life. Nothing
else has ever made me feel good. No person place or thing has ever looked at me as a part of their family. If you own a computer,
get on a website such as and click on the icon "juggalos" search through the page and take a look at all
of them and just think, each of them consider you family, each of these people can be trusted with your life just as they
trust you with their life. We shouldn't be fighting, we should be giving each other hugs and saying, " I clown love you ninja!"
to any of you that have web sites, i would greatly appreciate it if you could post this on your site. If you happen to have
access to a copy machine, please make copies and give this to as many juggalos as possible. I want to make sure every juggalo
world wide reads this letter I'm goin to do my damnest to save our juggalo world and reunite it, not only that but make our
family bigger. We have over two million dedicated juggalos in the world but we must also be dedicated to each other. My heart,
mind, body and soul goes out to each and every one of you. If you dont remember anything from this, at least remember this,
"mass murder makes me happy, dead bodies make me happy, say what you will of me, I'll always have juggalo family" please repost
this and help our sick family find there way back Amen, Brother Joseph. We'll see you in Lotus Fields chanting Fam-il-y, Fam-il-y! |
